Club Calendar 2024-2025

Celebrating 125 Years


Welcome newcomers and returning members! At this in-person meeting at the Woodfords Club (directions), we will start with an introduction to the Portland Camera Club and our activities for the year. The club's officers and executive board will be introduced. Then on to the Summer Print Challenge.

The theme for the Summer Print Challenge is A Trail in Maine.

  • Everyone—members and non-members—are welcome to participate.
  • Photograph any trail in Maine this summer. Image must be taken after 6/1/24 and before 9/9/24.
  • Bring one print of your best Maine trail shot to the first meeting on Sep 9th.
  • Prints must be 8"x10" or larger, up to a maximum of 18"x24" including the mat. A mat is optional.
  • Prints must be mounted (foamcore, gatorboard, cardboard, etc.) so the print will stand up on display racks.
  • A winner will be selected by popular vote at the meeting! The winner will receive a free PCC membership for one year.

More calendar details to come!