Members Only
The club makes certain information and material available to current PCC members only, not to the general public or lapsed members. Some examples include:
- Recorded Club Meetings
- Member Profiles and Contact Information
- Tips & How To's
- Instructions for Submitting an Image for a PCC Competition
Access to the Members Only Area
To access the PCC Members Only Area, members are required to have a Google account that uses the same email address that is used in the PCC_mbr email distribution list. If you don't have a Google account that uses your PCC_mbr address, you can create one for free. Click this link to create a Google account. Here are additional instructions if you are having trouble accessing the Member Only content.
Note: create a Google account that uses the same email address used in the PCC_mbr distribution email list. If you've forgotten what your PCC_mbr address is, look in your In box for any message with "[PCC mbr]" at the beginning of the Subject line. Open the message and look for the address in the To field. That is your PCC_mbr address.
How To Enter the PCC Members Only Area:
- Make sure that you are currently signed into your Google account (see "Access to the Members Only Area" above). A quick way to check whether you are already signed into your Google account is to click this link: PCC Members Group. If the PCC Members screen is displayed, then you are signed into your Google account. If you are not signed in, a screen will be displayed prompting you to enter the email address and password for your Google account to sign in.
- After you've signed into your Google account, click the "Enter Members Only Area" link shown below. A menu of members only links will be displayed.