
The Portland Camera Club has welcomed photography enthusiasts of all levels since 1899. Meetings are held on Mondays from September through May at the Woodfords Club, 179 Woodford Street in Portland (click for map).  We meet to display and discuss photography in a friendly atmosphere. Visitors are always welcome (only members may submit images in competitions). To learn more about us, visit our About the Club page. For a schedule of club events, visit our Club Calendar.

Recent member images:

  • wow slider
javascript slideshow by WOWSlider.com v9.0

The Portland Camera Club is a charter member of the Photographic Society of America and the New England Camera Club Council.

News & Events

Zoom Links for Meetings: For the link to an upcoming Zoom meeting, click here and choose the meeting you want to join.

Read the latest of issue of the PCC newsletter, The Photogram

For videos of presentations and recorded meetings, visit the PCC Vimeo page: https://vimeo.com/pccmaine

Uploading Your Images  There is a handy guide for uploading your images for competitions, slideshows, critiques, and any other projected image event. The guide includes specific instructions for Lightroom Classic, Photoshop, Topaz Studio 2, ON1, PaintShop Pro, and Photos and Preview for macOS.  Click here to call up the image uploading guide (a PDF).

Saturday, March 22 · Deadline: Print Submissions to the NECCC Print Individual Competition

The online entry form must be submitted by Mar 22 for the competition on Mar 29. The mailed-in prints must be received by Mar 22 also. If you choose to drop off your print(s) in person, bring the print(s) to the competition site, Greater Lynn Photographic Association Headquarters, between 9:30-10:30am on Mar 29. For all the competition details, click here.

Monday, March 24, 7pm · Member Slideshows (in person meeting)

(In-person meeting)  Always a popular, entertaining night of short slideshows by PCC members. Family, friends, anyone is welcome to join us to watch the shows. Submissions by members only.

Note: To watch a video about how to create a slideshow using Lightroom, click here. For a video about using WnSoft's PicturesToExe, click here.

Slideshow Guidelines:

  • Submission dates: submit your slideshow (i.e., use WeTransfer to send your .MP4 file) by Monday, March 17th.
  • Family appropriate content, please.
  • Use WeTransfer (a free program) to send in your .MP4 file. When WeTransfer prompts you for a destination email, enter mleonard@maine.rr.com – Mike Leonard is collecting the slideshows for presentation at the meeting.
  • Create (export) your slideshow as an .MP4 file (1080P at 30fps).
  • Shows should be not longer than 4 minutes.
  • Royalty Free or your own original music
  • First "slide" should include the slideshow title and your name.
  • After all of the image slides, add a slide that provides music attribution (song title, artist).
  • The final slide should be a black slide. This will help with transitions from one slideshow to the next.

Monday, March 31, 7pm · Photographing Birds in Flight (in person meeting)

At this in person meeting, Mike Cullivan will give a presentation on photographing birds in flight.

Monday, April 7, 7pm · Projected Image Competition (in person meeting)

Submission Guidelines:

  • Deadline for images: Thursday, March 27th.
  • Rules and instructions for submitting your image are on the Competitions page.
  • Send your image file by email to pccupload@gmail.com (every entry receives a confirmation within 72 hrs).

Complete Club Calendar